Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Great Article

Here's a great article from the Japery:

"On the Need for Ecclesiological Education Born-Again Yesterday"

Some choice quotes...

As Noll and many others have noted (confirming my own experience as well), “Most ex-Catholic evangelicals … were not well catechized, and often their Catholic experience was nominal, mechanical, or (in some instances) abusive; by contrast, many ex-evangelical Catholics reasoned themselves into Catholicism from articulate evangelical positions.” In other words, immature Catholics are more likely to become evangelicals, while maturing evangelicals are more likely to become Catholic.

Tradition must become inheritable, or always-already inherited, to be wholly itself. It must become a gift of givenness, given to the point of being so formative it is ineradicable even from minds that turn against it. It must be so given that it is liable to be taken for granted, in need of rethinking and renewal–but without schism and interminable question-filled “conversations.”

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